African Orientation Council

African Orientation Council

The things people do could oftentimes create problems. Beyond that, how those things are done could cause even more disaster. Therefore, the need for orientation cannot be over-emphasized. Almost everyone who has been employed underwent an orientation program. Some organizations call it ‘onboarding’. During the orientation period, the individual learns about the organization, who is who, what is where, how and  why, etc. These pieces of knowledge shape the new employee’s attitude to work and set the stage for the employee’s success on the job. IIAS adopted that model in its ‘catch-them-young’ activity aptly facilitated by the African Orientation Council. When a new breed of Africans become confident enough to reject the kinds of patronage that erodes national consciousness, IIAS will know that the plants are bearing fruit. With IIAS African Orientation Council, Africa will arrive at its destination.

Dr. Ngozi Okechukwu  is the Chairperson of the African Orientation Council (AOC). The Program is involved in shaping the ethical landscape across Africa. It often appears that individuals take irrational steps when dealing with both local and foreign interests. Such irrational steps continue to cost the poor African masses their financial and natural resources. IIAS AOC has the responsibility to conduct live as well as online reach-out activities to appeal to the conscience of those who make decisions on behalf of the masses. To this end, AOC is funneling African youth to an orientation program provided by Emmanuel University that is collaborating with IIAS. A cohort has received scholarship to receive training at the university. Hopefully, people of goodwill will sponsor this training to enable IIAS and Emmanuel University train more and more youth so as to transform the ethical landscape of Africa.

Dr. Monica Wosowei

Mr. Gabriel Ojeka

Barrister Ogechi Agbai

Dr. Fabian Aniemene

Will Your Country Subscribe To This Program?


Do you want a better Africa?
Will you enroll in the Orientation Course? 
Do you have the requisite passion for your continent?
Apply directly to Emmanuel University –


  1. Constantly engage State and Non-State actors by orientating and re-orientating Africans to imbibe core values of democracy, rule of law, and Patriotism.
  2. Galvanise state and non-state actors towards the development of strong public institutions for the strengthening and sustainability of democratic norms, good governance, and ethical leadership.
  3. Invigorate the consciousness of all categories of  people to their rights, privileges, responsibilities, and obligations as African nationals through civic and political education
  4. Promoting new sets of attitudes, and core values culture through programmes of value re-orientation for the attainment of a united, peaceful, and prosperous Africa.
  5. Shaping ethical landscape across Africa and the generality of African youths using schools, churches, and clubs to catch them young.
  1. Stimulate the consciousness of the generality of Africans to their roles in the development of their respective nations and the need to participate in discussions that concern their welfare through public enlightenment activities and publications.
  2. Enhance the agency of women with elaborate empowerment in educational, economic, political, psychological, and spiritual areas to reduce inequality and GBV.
  3. Create synergy among members for inter-nation engagement through effective communication and feedback channels for the attainment of a united, peaceful, and prosperous Africa.
  4. Conduct research and contemporary studies on African topical issues with a view to developing new knowledge, innovation, and  Social Behavioural Change.
  5. Empowering scholars through mentorship programs provided by IIAS and Emmanuel University.  

Thematic Areas

  • Youth and women development
  • African Entrepreneurship
  • Peace building
  • Technology / Innovation
  • Education and Research
  • Health
  • Leadership Development
  • Economy and Commerce
  • Climate change
  • Africanization

Contact AOC –

Last modified: September 12, 2023

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