

The International Institute For African Scholars [IIAS] has recognized the increasing interest in Africa by investors across the globe. IIAS is, therefore, assisting local and international economic forces in the form of individuals and corporations.

If you are a Scholar of African descent, whether you reside in Africa or in the Diaspora, become a Member or Fellow at the IIAS today. You will play a critical role in coordinating the moving parts in this investment heat-up. Dr. Victor Oluwi is a pioneer Fellow of IIAS.

The IIAS Africanization Program promises to create a win-win playing field for all participants.
The IIAS hereby calls on all Africans all over the world to show interest in this critical factor in African re-development.

This program will help to achieve the strengthening of Africa’s societal institutions for economic development.

Become a Fellow, Member, Associate, or Affiliate today.

Register at  by clicking on Donate or Buy Now to choose the category you prefer.

Also, feel free to email us at

Let us all be part of the Africa Investment heat-up going on right now. Do not be left behind if you are an African.

The IIAS Africanization Program has three arms:
The ONE AFRICA Roundable
The Health Organization Roundtable
The Orientation Council Roundtable
Which Roundtable aligns with your education, experience, occupation, qualifications, etc.?
Come over to IIAS and vote your commitment to Africa. 
Do you teach for a university?
Are you pursuing a doctorate degree?
Are you pursuing a master’s degree? 
Are you pursuing a bachelor’s degree?
Are you a professional? Are you a visionary? Are you creative?
Are you African?
IIAS IS YOUR BUS STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Join hands with the Institute and make Africa what you expect Africa to be.

The Journey of Black people Through The Earth

The International Institute for African Scholars vehemently rejects the insensitive treatments being meted to Black People in the United States. Black People have suffered enough. Therefore, the International Institute for African Scholars has decided to weigh in on this topic. Hitherto, the Institute has focused on Scholarship, helping learners across platforms and educational levels up to doctorate degree researchers. However, being a flagship Black Institute, it will be unheard of for the Institute to pretend that nothing is happening. The Institute has been working assiduously to elevate the status of Black People across the globe. To witness the degradation of Blacks down to the termination of life in several instances is, to say the least, unacceptable. We all know that the pen is mightier than the sword. We also know that the Institute is about Reading and Writing. Needless to say, THE PEN IS THE INSTITUTE’S SWORD. The Institute’s pen will meet the guns on an even playing field. When the bullets go off, the words will go off also.

Africa is the ancestral homeland of all Black People across the globe. The International Institute for African Scholars has built the bridge for all African people to make a paradigm shift and associate with their homeland. The IIAS Scholars are conducting research studies and providing the necessary guidance on academic and professional levels to all Africans in the Diaspora to sink their roots again in their homeland. 

The International Institute for African Scholars calls on the appropriate authorities to consider this clarion call critical to the establishment of a just and equitable society. 

The International Institute for African Scholars calls on African-Americans (so-called) to know they are Africans and must look in the right direction. Connect with the International Institute for African Scholars (IIAS). Benefit from the bridge already built by the IIAS to facilitate your foothold on the soil of your home continent. Yes, you are American. Did you also know that Irish Americans have connections with their Ireland? Did you know that British Americans have connections with their Britain? Did you know that Asian Americans have connections with their Asia? Did you know that Arab Americans have connections with their Arabia? You are the only group left in the cold, in the dark, in the open, stark naked. This is your opportunity to Register your presence at the IIAS –

Your Africa has 55 countries. Nothing stops you from becoming connected to one of those countries if you do not know which particular country your specific ancestor came from. The International Institute for African Scholars (IIAS) has set the stage for you to ease on to the continent and hit the ground running. You must understand that if you are associated with your ancestral continent, nobody will be killing you the way they currently are. Do not miss this moment. Make a bold statement by becoming part of IIAS. Make a bold statement to your Black friends and peers. Make the shift. It is a new paradigm for you. Africa is waiting for you. IIAS is your vehicle. IIAS is your bridge. It is time for you to begin to earn the respect you are very much entitled to; this is because you come from somewhere – Africa.

Last modified: December 8, 2022

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