Agricultural Project

The purpose of the IIAS Agric. Project is to increase the capacity of small scale farmers to produce food for themselves and the market. During the workshop on this topic, farming activities and the applicable technologies were discussed. The application of appropriate technology was explored. Some of the feedback received include activities like cassava processing, palm oil processing, mushroom and snail farming. The idea is that if many people are involved in primary and secondary activities, productivity will increase.

The focus of the IIAS Project group is to identify people who are involved in farming activities but are not able to qualify for regular bank loans or financing. The aim is to help these people increase their productivity, market their products within well designed channels and expand participation.
Business models presented will continue to be subjected to scrutiny to determine who it works for and for whom it can be adapted. It is assumed that no single model will work for everyone or every community. The impact of country conditions and cultural beliefs will be evaluated by the IIAS Monitoring Team to determine what would work.
Expectations include that models that work or can be adapted will be agreed upon. Qualified people will be provided funding under clearly defined guidelines. We welcome ideas from professionals from different backgrounds and countries who would provide country conditions that may have been ignored during program design.
To date, more than one hundred individuals have indicated willingness to participate. Most of these are from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda and Togo. We encourage others to extend the information to people in other parts of Africa.
As explained before, there should be no expectation for free money. Emergency or fly-by farmers will not qualify.
- Accept Applications;
- Place Applications in three main groups based on geographical location, Specialty & Funding Needs;
- Interview Applicants;
- Verifications of the participant to confirm identity;
- Certification about good faith efforts, guarantor(s) and willingness to abide by the rules;
- Award Loans; and
- Monitor the process for improvement.
Executive Action
- Choosing a bank;
- Relations with bank; and
- Program assessment timetable.
Loan Disbursement: Banks to be used to manage disbursement. Banks that agree to partner with us are the ones to be used. The process of negotiations with banks and discussing terms and conditions is uppermost in the project plan. Banks to be used will be recommended by country representatives. Repayment terms will be customized for individuals.
Loan Management & Recovery will be done by our partner banks. Partner banks are recommended by country representatives and approved by our Project Team. Recovery terms and conditions will be worked out by the IIAS Project Department, donors and participating banks.
Loan Repayment – 5 years. Interests accruable after 5 years.
Project Management: Participants will be advised to affiliate with cooperatives or Agriculture-related groups for easy management and access to information. Access to resources can better be managed with groups, not individually. Individuals far away from teams will be affiliated to groups near their locations.
Current Participating Countries
- Cameroon
- Congo
- Cote D’Ivoire
- Ghana
- Guinea
- Nigeria
- Tanzania
- Togo
- Uganda
- Rwanda
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
The list of country representatives will be confirmed after vetting. These guidelines will be updated to provide answers to any emerging issues.
Last modified: February 5, 2022