Board of Directors


"Operational flexibility and agility depend on the flexibility and agility of the component human and material resources." (Author Acknowledged)

Board of Directors

                                                               These are the people upon whose shoulders rests the execution of the IIAS vision.​

Dr. Yemisi Olorunshola
Vice President

Dr. Geraldine Abaidoo
Deputy Executive Director

Dr. Monica Peremine
Deputy Vice President

Dr. Femi Obikunle

Director of Memberships

Dr. Edward Agbai

Director of Research

Dr. Josephine Oparaocha

Director of Treasury

Dr. Alozie Ogbonna
Director of Collaborations
Professor Veronica Robinson
Director of Training
Dr. Kenneth Klutse
Director of Intelligence and Governance
Dr. Joel Nwoke
Director of Outreach Programs
Dr. Joy Smith-Durant
Director of Finance
Dr. Kingson Njoku
Director of Advancement
Dr. Okey Udo, Director
Business Growth and Development
Dr. Frank Agodi
Director of Public Affairs

Our Diversity is Our Strength

Multiple perspectives come with quality diversity

The IIAS Commitment

One way to confirm service quality is by interaction with the service provider. IIAS indigenizes African processes.

The IIAS Collaborative covers multiple platforms thereby offering all participants windows and ample latitude, for instance, to join hands and co-author books as well as implement other initiatives.
Dr. Edward Agbai

Last modified: November 30, 2023

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