Dear Researchers, The Journal of the International Institute for African Scholars is open to receiving your submissions. The internal, external, and double-blind reviewers are working. To assist the Review Committee in carrying out their assignment without delay, we kindly request that you revise your full paper using the structure outlined below:
1. Manuscripts should be single line spacing, including references and tables laid on A4 paper.
2. Your manuscripts should be a minimum of 20 pages (excluding references), Times New Roman, and Font Size 12 across the entire document. Use APA7. Provide a title page, Number the pages of your material. Table of Contents is not required.
3. First and second persons (singular and plural) are prohibited in scholarly materials. Also, avoid using “there is (are)” and “it is” phrasing in sentences.
4. Please note that your manuscript MUST include:
• Introduction (background of the study and problem embedded in it with the study objectives)
• Literature Review: Please limit your literature review to:
(i) Theoretical background (for quantitative research) – this must have a serious link to the variables included in the study; and also the basis of your empirical review (ii) Conceptual Framework (for qualitative research)
Observe any occurrences of critical linkages/nexus between the dependent and independent variables (empirical reviews) that explain the basis for both the study objectives and hypothesis in quantitative submissions.
• Methodology
• The most important finding of the study and robust discussion
• Conclusions and policy implications (theoretical and practical implications)
5. Please note that our similarity index benchmark is 15%. Endeavor to conduct an independent similarity evaluation on your manuscript before sending it to the Committee to avoid unnecessary delays due to back and forth with the corresponding author. Use Turnitin and other appropriate tools.
Reference Citations within Text
Citations in the text should include the author’s last name and year of publication enclosed in parentheses with punctuation (Smith, 2013) at the end of a sentence. Otherwise, insert it in a logical sentence break. For multiple authors, use the full citation for up to three authors, for example, (Smith & DuPont, 2013). For more than two authors, use the first author’s name with “et al.” (Smith et al., 2013). When two or more citations are within the same parentheses, they should be in alphabetical order by lead author surnames.
Reference List Style
Please, note that the Journal accepts only APA 7th edition for citations and references. List references alphabetically, principal author’s surname first, followed by the publication date. Please refer to for guidelines.
Please SEND your fully formatted manuscript to