President’s Corner

President's Corner

Dr. Folly Somado-Hemazro

Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Scholars,
As we start the new year, and as the newly appointed President of the International Institute for African Scholars (IIAS), I want to wish each one of you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year 2024.
I want to first thank the members of the Board of Trustees and Professor Frederick Nwosu for bestowing upon me your trust as well as the honor and privilege of becoming the President of the International Institute for African Scholars (IIAS). Thank you so very much. To the immediate past President, Professor Nwosu, I thank you for your leadership over these last 10 years—for the ways you have given of yourself and the dedication you have shown to the IIAS. Congratulations on the many accomplishments that you have done on behalf of the Institute. Anyway, I have your number. I will capitalize on the participation of everyone to achieve the vision, mission, and goals of the Institute.
The Pan-African hero Noel Isidore Thomas Sankara, in his speech before the General Assembly on October 3, 1984,  stated, “The slave who will not shoulder responsibility to rebel does not deserve pity…Only struggle helps us to become free, and we call on all our sisters of all races to rise up to regain their rights.“  This statement is still relevant 40 years later. It turns out that with the current awakening of consciousness in Africa, it is more than imperative that we Africans stand up for the fight. With the Current global village and geopolitical environment, the IIAS will engage in a two-fold fight: at the internal level with Scholars living in Africa and at an external level with African individuals living in the diaspora.
I am proud to belong to an organization with a wealth of knowledge, experience, and expertise. An Ethiopian proverb states, “When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion.” As spiders, I am confident that all members will bring their spider silk to tie down the lion that prevents our continent, Africa, from moving forward despite its tremendous growth potential.
I firmly believe that together, we will go far.
Thank you

Last modified: January 1, 2024

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