
Federal Tax-Exempt Nonprofit Organization – EIN: 85-1471026

Innovative Leadership...
Strategic Leadership...

Reach Out to IIAS Officers to Connect

Afrocentric academic, technical, and professional tools are here for your homeward journey.

What We Do

IIAS helps scholars, technicians, professionals, and all other skilled people of African origin use their talents to fit into Africa -
Become an asset to Africa and benefit from deploying your skills on the African continent.

Why Choose IIAS

Africanization cannot be more practical...

Experience Skills


Afrocentric Tools

Culture & Artefacts

Low Cost Approach

Sensible Solutions

Patriotic Outlook

Love of Country

Ubuntu Positioning

Helping each other


True Neighbourliness

The IIAS Commitment

One way to confirm service quality is by interaction with the service provider. IIAS indigenizes African processes.

The IIAS Collaborative covers multiple platforms thereby offering all participants windows and ample latitude to explore other worlds with the support of fellow members. The only way to understand it is to register as a member.

Last modified: January 4, 2024

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